Account Deactivation

Account Farewell: Steps to Deactivate or Delete Your Profile

How can I permanently delete my account?

Account deletion can be initiated in the account settings menu. Account deletion occurs immediately after requested, data is retained on our system for {team to insert number of days}.

What happens to my subscription if I delete my account?

Permanently deleting your account will automatically cancel any active subscription. {Team to overwrite this answer with correct information}

What happens to my data if I deactivate my account?

Under "Retention of your data", it states "We understand our legal duty to retain accurate data and only retain personal data for as long as we need it for our legitimate business interests and that you are happy for us to do so." This implies data is retained as needed for business purposes.

Is account deactivation reversible?

Yes, you can easily reactivate your account at any time to restore full access - all of your data will be intact. {Team to overwrite this answer with correct information}

Updated on: 
February 2, 2024