Upgrading, Downgrading & Cancelling

Upgrade, downgrade, or cancel with ease. Flexibility at your fingertips for a hassle-free experience.

How do I add more seats to my current Coach Hub subscription?

Here is a step-by-step guide to adding more seats to your current Coach Hub subscription plan:

  1. Login to your Hexis Coach Hub here.
  2. Select Account from the navigation bar on the left.
  3. Navigate to Billing and select “Manage my Subscription”.
  4. Select your current subscription.
  5. Click on "Edit Subscription".
  6. On the Edit Subscription page.
  7. Click “Add Addons”, select the additional client option and click “Add”.
  8. You can now amend the quantity by clicking the “Qty” text box and typing the number of additional seats you require.
  9. Confirm changes by clicking “Update Subscription”

How do I upgrade or downgrade my Coach Hub subscription?

Here is a step-by-step guide to upgrading or downgrading your Coach Hub subscription plan:

  1. Login to your Hexis Coach Hub here.
  2. Select Account from the navigation bar on the left.
  3. Navigate to Billing and select “Manage my Subscription”.
  4. Select your current subscription.
  5. Click on "Edit Subscription".
  6. On the Edit Subscription page, click the "Change" button.
  7. You will now see the drop down option to select a new plan from the available options. Click on the plan you want to update to.
  8. Once you've selected your desired new plan, click "Update".

Can I upgrade my Coach Hub subscription in the middle of an existing billing cycle?

Yes, you can upgrade your subscription in the middle of your current billing cycle if you wish. Our system will automatically prorate any charges to your account for the upgrade for the remainder of the billing cycle.

How quickly does an upgrade or downgrade take effect?

If you upgrade your subscription with Hexis, the change takes effect instantly.

If you downgrade your subscription with Hexis, the changes take place from the start of your next billing cycle.

How can I cancel my Hexis subscription?

You can cancel your Hexis subscription at any time. If you wish to cancel you can do so by:

  1. Login to your Hexis Hub here.
  2. Select Account from the navigation bar on the left.
  3. Navigate to Billing and select “Manage my Subscription”.
  4. Select your current subscription.
  5. Click “Cancel Subscription” and then “Confirm”.
Updated on: 
February 2, 2024