
Profile Perfection: Optimise Your Account with Step-by-Step Guidance

What are Biometrics and can I edit them?

Biometrics are measurements related to your physical characteristics.

You can view or edit your Biometric data by clicking the “Profile” icon and scrolling to “Biometrics”. Simply select what you wish to amend and make the desired changes before selecting the “Save” button.

Is it recommended you keep your Biometrics both accurate and up to date. Doing so enhances the accuracy of your data and supports optimal platform performance.

How can I edit my Goal?

Hexis currently offers a range of weight goals.

  • Lose
  • Maintain
  • Gain

inYour Goal will have an impact on multiple features of the Athlete App. In particular it will impact your Fuel Plan, Kcals & Macros and End of Day Kcal Targets. At a high level, if your goal is Lose then Hexis will adjust your calories to ensure you are in a suitable calorie deficit when appropriate. If your goal is Gain then Hexis will adjust your calories to ensure you are in a suitable calorie surplus when appropriate.

You can view or edit your Goal by clicking the “Profile” icon and scrolling to “Goal”. Simply select your preferred goal before selecting the “Save” button.

It is recommended you keep your Goal up to date. Doing so enhances the accuracy of your data and supports optimal platform performance.

Can I change my Meal Pattern?

Your Meal Patterns & Timings are the daily meals and snacks you plan eat, as well as the time you consume each of them at.

You can view or edit your Meal Patterns & Timings information by clicking the “Profile” icon and scrolling to “Meal Patterns & Timings”. Then follow the below steps:

  • Select the meals or snacks you wish to include in your meal pattern (selected options are highlighted by a blue border)
  • Click on the time on the right-hand side of each meal and snack and amend to your preferred timing.
  • Once you are happy with the change select the “Save” button.

It is recommended you keep your Meal Patterns & Timings information both accurate and up to date. Doing so enhances the accuracy of your data, in particular your Live Energy predictions, and will support optimal platform performance.

How can I edit my Lifestyle information?

Lifestyle information includes your non exercise Activity Levels, as well as your typical wake up time and sleep time.

You can view or edit your Lifestyle information by clicking the “Profile” icon and scrolling to “Lifestyle”. Simply select what you wish to amend and make the desired changes before selecting the “Save” button.

Is it recommended you keep your Lifestyle information both accurate and up to date. Doing so enhances the accuracy of your data and supports optimal platform performance.

Updated on: 
February 2, 2024